Friday, 8 July 2011

what is Dawateislami?

8 Madani flowers of Dawat-e-Islami from Ameer-e-AhleSunnat 
(1) The basic motive of Dawat-e-Islami is to deliver 'Islamism' to the people of the world in such a way that the Mubaligheen themselves too act upon the 'Sunnah' and leaving the task of argumentative refute to the Ulema-e-AhleSunnat who are experts in the art.
(2) By Islamism it is meant those sayings and practises which were done by the Beloved of Allah , those sayings and practises which were preserved by Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa , Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Imam Malik , Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Imam Ahmad bin Hambal . The sayings and practises which were kept on being taught by Sayyiduna Imam Abul Hasan Ashari and Sayyiduna Imam Mansoor Maturidee . The sayings and practises which Ghous-e-Paak Sheikh Abdul Qadri Jilani , Khuwaja Gharib Nawaaz Huzoor Sayyiduna Khuwaja Moinul Haq Wad'deen Chishti , Huzoor Sayyiduna Sheikh Bahaul Haq Wad'deen Naqshbandi used to act upon. Those sayings and practises which were accepted by the Ulama-e-AhleSunnat, for example the author of rad-dul-muhtaar Sayyiduna Sheikh Muhammad Aminuddin ibn'e Abideen Shaami , Sayyiduna Shah Mullah Jivan Hindi , Sayyiduna Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi etc. and especially AlaHazrat Imam Ahmad Raza khan who narrated the explanations of these sayings and practises in the auspicious writings and manifested them in Al mu'tamadul mustanad, Tamheed-ul-Iman and Hussa-mul-Haramain etc.
(3) All Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters remain strongly on the path of AlaHazrat . The path of AlaHazrat is the same as that of the companions of the Holy Prophet and of our pious ancestors, the path that carries the belief that Allah is one and which also embodies the practicing of being his humble servant, besides the faith that the Holy Prophet is the last Prophet sent by Allah . Moreover to practice complete guardianship and love of Allah and His Beloved , not to refute any of the requirements of the religion, to remain completely away from insulting Allah and His Beloved and the companions etc.

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