(4) In Islam there is a great importance of 'Ulama' and because of their knowledge of religion they are more important in comparison to the masses. An Alim gains more reward for worshipping compared to a non-Alim hence it is stated by Hazrat'e Muhammad bin Ali
that two rak'ats of Salaah of an Alim is more better than seventy rak'at of a non-Alim.
(Kanzul Ummal, V10, P87) Therefore, it is necessary for all those who are connected with Dawat-e-Islami, rather for every Muslim that they never clash with the Ulama of AhleSunnat, always respect and honour Ulama and remain away from having hatred towards them and without the permission of Islamic jurisprudence, never be critical of their conduct and character and hence by backbiting them, committing a major sin and a Haraam deed leading to Hell. Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Abul Hafsul Kabeer
says, 'on the day of judgement, the person who backbites an Alim will have written on his/her face: 'this person is deprived of the mercy of Allah'
(Mukashifa-tul-Quloob, translated, page 160) AlaHazrat Moulana Shah Ahmed Raza Khan
says, 'To be critical of him (Alim) and to be objectionable to him is Haraam and it is poison for the one who because of this turns away from the guidance of religion and avoids seeking advantage or profit of Islamic rulings'
(Fatawa-e-Razawaiiyah, V23, P711, Raza foundation Lahore)Those ignorant people should get fearful who on every instance babble away insulting words regarding the noble Ulama for example: 'Look out, this is Ulama sahib', 'Ulama are greedy', 'they are jealous of us', 'because of us now, no one takes them in account.' 'Leave him alone, he is after all a 'maulvi' (Allah
forbid). Some people say, 'these mullahs', 'Ulama (Allah
forbid) never did any task of Sunnism. At times expressing disapproval it is said, 'That person's manner of narrating is similar to that of 'maulvis'. Mentioning the manners of insulting Ulama and along with it the command of the Shariah regarding this, AlaHazrat
says, 'If an Alim is criticised for the reason that he is an Alim, the slanderer is definitely a Kafir meaning a non believer. And if one regards obligatory the honour of an Alim because of his knowledge but if due to personal enmity one criticises him, speaks bad words about him and keeps contempt for him then such a person is a serious sinner and an immoral person. If one keeps malice without any reason then this sort of a person is deceased at the heart and is of foul internal self and infidelity is feared for him (meaning for him who willingly or not keeps malice. It is stated in khulasa that there is a fear of infidelity over the one who keeps malice for an Alim without any apparent reason.
(Fatawa-e-Razawiyyah, V10, P140, Maktaba-e-Razwaiyyah)
Examples of some blasphemous words and styles used for Shariat and the Ulama are presented. If in the past, (Allah
forbid) someone insulted an Alim because of his status as an Alim then such a person must repent and renew his Imaan too. And if the person is married then he/she should also renew the Nikah and if the person is a Mureed of someone then he/she also should renew the allegiance (bait). It is Kufr to insult Shariah for example if someone said. 'I dont know shara'wara' or if someone was made known of a fatawa of an Alim and that person remarked, 'I do not believe a fatwa' or threw the fatwa on the ground
(Derived from Bahar-e-Shariat, part 9, page 172) 'What knowledge do maulvi's have?' This dialogue certainly shows contempt for the Ulama and contempt for the Ulama is disbelief.
(Fatwa-e-Razawiyyah, V6, P24) the one who says, 'all maulvi's are immoral', Kufr is commanded for such a person
(Fatawa-e-Amjadiyya, V4, P454) 'Ulama have ruined the country.' This is blasphemous.
(Fatwa-e-Razawiyyah, V6, P115) Saying that 'maulvis' have parted the religion into pieces is also blasphemy. Saying that the religion was easy as sent down by Allah
but the maulvis have made it difficult is blasphemous because belittling the descendants of The Holy Prophet
and the Ulama is disbelief
(Majma-ul-Anhaar, V2, P509) The statement that the knowledge that the Ulama teach is merely tales and stories or that it is merely wishful or deception or that 'I do not believe in the rulings of 'heela' which means that Shariah was called a set-up. All of these statements are disbelief.
(Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V2, P270)The person who says, 'What will I do with knowledge? There should be money in the pocket' will have a ruling of disbelief placed on him. If someone told an Alim to go away and preserve knowledge in some utensil will become a disbeliever. (Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V2, P271)